Should You Choose a Left or Right-hand Corner Sofa? Guide to Interior Design

Corner sofas are incredibly popular with homeowners. They are practical furniture pieces that make effective use of the room space and give you the seating you need to enjoy your time with your family and friends.
But how should you position your brand new sofa exactly? Should you get a left-hand corner sofa or a right-hand corner sofa? This article will help you find the perfect spot for your new sofa!
Why does the placement and the orientation of the sofa matter?
It Impacts both the functionality and the practicality of Your living room
Sofas are one of the cornerstones of any living space, both figuratively and literally. Their location and orientation influence where you sit, the path residents and visitors take walking through the room, the space available to you, and much more. These are all practical and meaningful considerations that will fundamentally impact the comfort and functionality of your home.
It Influences design and atmosphere
Is the corner facing the windows or not? Is it close or away from the primary entrance to the living space? What other items/decors are you looking to arrange next to the corner sofa? The answer to these questions will fundamentally impact the design and atmosphere of your living room – the position and orientation of the corner sofa are at the heart of this.
Left-hand corner sofas vs right-hand corner sofas: Things You need to consider
Corner sofas take up a large space in a room, often acting as one of its key focal points. This not only influences the design of the room, but its functionality as well. How and where to position the shorter edge of your new L-shaped corner sofa, for example, will impact the walkability and symmetry of your room. When comparing left-hand facing to right-hand facing orientation for your corner sofa, pay close attention to how it’ll impact your day-to-day experiences in your living room.
House layout and orientation
The layout of the room, specifically, and the house, at large, are very important considerations when choosing the position of the sofa. For example, do you have left-hand facing windows and the main door of the room is on the left of the room? A right-hand sofa helps you maximise natural lighting and create a natural pathway through the room. In another home where the location of the windows and door are reversed, this will be true of a left-hand sofa. Carefully consider the house layout and adjust accordingly!
Personal taste and preferences
The design and layout of a room should match the preferences of its inhabitants. If left-corner sofas, for example, makes evenings with your family more relaxing, then that’s the right approach. If right-hand facing corner sofas give you the room to organise more gatherings with your friends, then that might be worth it for you!
The choice of left or right corner sofa will ultimately depend on what you want and what you need!
How easy is it to change the orientation of my corner sofa later?
Though changing the orientation and location of a corner sofa might appear simple at first glance, this is deceptive. Sofas stand at the heart of the living room, and moving them will likely require redesigning and reorienting the entire room to ensure proper pathways, symmetry, and style. So, we recommend you finalise the room layout with the orientation and placement of the corner sofa in mind since changing it later won’t be simple!
Other considerations when choosing a sofa for Your home
While the orientation of your sofa is important, there are other important factors you need to keep in mind when shopping around for a sofa:
The sofa type
What type of sofa does your living room need? A corner sofa with an L-shape to effectively use the room space? A modular sofa to provide storage and flexibility? A sofa bed to double as a bed? You have many options to choose from.
The sofa size
How much space do you have in your living room? Do you regularly hold gatherings and events? Want to enjoy spending evenings with your family on the couch? The size of the corner sofa has practical implications that you need to consider.
The sofa colours and aesthetics
The sofa colours need to complement the seats, fit the floor and wall style, and improve your interior’s aesthetics. The sofas act as focal points in a lounge or a living room, so their colouring and style often determine the looks and atmosphere of the room.
Find the right corner sofa for your home with the right colours, style, size, and type by checking out Sofafox. Our clients love our diverse selection of sofas, and if you get in touch, we are sure to help you find
“How do I know if I need a left or right-hand corner sofa?” is a question that’s on many homeowners’ minds. Though the orientation of the sofa isn’t the be-all-end-all of choosing the right furniture piece for your home, it is still important and has a fundamental impact on the layout of your living room.